** NOTE: The Marketing Bulletin is not currently accepting new submissions. **
Marketing Bulletin - Guide for Authors
This document is also available to download in PDF format.
This document provides guidance for researchers wishing to submit manuscripts to the Marketing Bulletin. All manuscripts are double-blind reviewed by at least 2 reviewers who are expert in the topic area. Our acceptance rate is 20% currently (including desk rejects). Articles accepted for publication are published on-line immediately after final editing.
With limited time to oversee this publication, we rely on authors' cooperation in following our submission requirements and process. Unfortunately, submissions that do not follow the process outlined below may have to be discarded.
Suitable Submissions
Articles should be well written, informative, and, thought provoking.
The journal publishes various types of articles:
- Full Papers - There is no restriction on the topics or issues that are acceptable as full papers, so long as the work is pertinent to marketing and the research is rigorous. Conceptual, controversial, and cutting edge content particularly welcome.
- Research Notes - These are shorter submissions that may describe an innovative research approach or methodology, or introduce a new theoretical perspective or topic for discussion.
- Technical Notes - A channel for disseminating timely information on techniques and resources.
- Focus on the Region - A section featuring research with a focus on Australia, New Zealand or the Pacific; and/or opinion pieces of special relevance to regional readers.
- Emerging Researchers - A feature to highlight research by current higher degree students.
- Special Issues - a focus on key topics for an international audience. (Please contact the editor if you are interested in organising a special issue).
Submission Process
** NOTE: The Marketing Bulletin is not currently accepting new submissions. **
- Ensure that you follow the format requirements below prior to submission. We respect reviewers' time so submissions that have not been proofread and/or do not conform to the format requirements are unlikely to be sent out for review.
- All submissions must be in MS Word or Rich Text Format and be sent via email to the Editor. An autoreply message should confirm receipt - please re-send if not received.
- Please note which type of article you are submitting in the subject line of your email (eg 'Research Note','Full paper' etc).
- You should include BOTH a Review copy (double spaced, all author details removed) and a Full copy (single spaced, and include author details).
- We encourage you to suggest suitable reviewers for your submission as you know the key scholars in your field. Please provide details in the email that accompanies your submission.
Email: marketingbulletin@massey.ac.nz
Format Requirements
File Format | Submit 2 files in MSWord or RTF: a Review copy and a Full copy. |
| Name files as follows: ‘REVIEW First words of the title of article’, and ‘FULL First words of the title of article’, eg ‘FULL Country-of-origin effects’. |
Length | Word limits are a guide only. The aim is to keep papers succinct and readable. |
| -
Full papers | 5,000 - 10,000 words |  |
| -
Research/Technical Notes | less than 5,000 words |  |
Page setup | A4, 2.5 - 2.54cm margins (left and right, top and bottom). |
| Double line spacing for Review copy; single spacing for Full copy. |
| Page numbers on bottom right of each page. |  |
| Do not include any page breaks or unnecessary blank space - articles should be printer-friendly. |
Title | The title should be specific, concise, and comprehensible to readers outside the topic area of the paper. |
| 200 characters maximum. Centred 18pt. |  |
Authors | Include full names, institutions, and email address (for at least 1 author). Centred 12 point italic. (Omit all author information from Review copy). |
Abstract | An abstract of no more than 300 words should be included for full papers. The abstract should effectively summarise the purpose, method and findings of the paper. 11 point justified. |
Headings | - Main | 14 point bold normal. 1 blank line above and below main headings |
| - Second level | 12 point bold normal. 1 blank line above second level headings. |
| - Third level | 12 point bold italic. 1 blank line above third level headings. |
Text/Font | Times New Roman throughout. 12 point size. Fully justified. |
Footnotes | Should be avoided. If unavoidable, keep short. |  |
Figures | Provide in final form within your paper. |
| All Figures must be numbered and have a meaningful title. Title should be 12 point bold, centred |
| Ensure that any text within images is clear and no smaller than 9 point. |
| 2 blank lines above and below figure. |  |
| Example: |  |
Figure 1. Diagram of the data collection process
Tables | Provide in final form within your paper, in position close to relevant content. |
| All tables must be numbered and have a meaningful title. |
| - Title | 12 point bold, centred. |
| - Body | 10-12 point |
| - Headings | bold. |
| Horizontal lines only |
| 2 blank lines above and below table |
| Example: |

| The citation style of the American Psychological Association (APA) is preferred, or, alternatively, follow the style outlined below. Regardless of which of the two styles is used, format should be consistent, and full details provided for all sources. |
| - In text | Author/Date in chronological order, e.g. Smith (1987), Kent and Jones (2003), (Smith 1987, Allen 1999, Kent & Jones 2003) |
| - List | Alphabetical order; hanging indent; minimal punctuation. | | Example: |